Monday, October 26, 2009

Anthony Nicholas- Nick Flash's Alter Ego: Photo's by Charis Kirchheimer

Hi Everybody, I'm Anthony Nicholas and I think this Halloween is going be the best ever!

You see, just the other day, the most amazing thing happened to me... a girl actually said hello!!

For all my life I have been the victim of atomic wedgies, swirlies & ridicule just cause I'm different. I have never had a date in all my life!

This Halloween I am gonna try and change all that and ask out a special girl who is in my astro physics class. I'm getting her some pretty flowers and asking her to the halloween bash that my mommy is having at her house. My mom is so proud of me!! She even helped me pick out the flowers and everything.

Anyway... wish me luck. I hope she says yes and we get married!!

Make sure you stop by and check out Nick Flash this halloween weekend.

I'll be Djing Thursday at Ill Bacio in Delray, Friday at Noche in PGA, and Saturday at "The Brazilian Court in Palm Beach

Photos by Charis Kirchheimer